I am pleased to send this message to the 50th Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka Library Association (SLLA). Libraries have been closely associated with the ancient culture and civilization of Sri Lanka; as shown by evidence of libraries referred to as 'Pothgul' in the periods of Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Dambadeniya, Kotte in our history. At present, library services are developing in almost all sectors of the country

. Libraries attached to schools, universities and other higher educational institutes as well as research institutes, Government Departments and Local Government Authorities, play a vital role in providing knowledge and information. From the expansion of general knowledge to furtherance of education and research, libraries play a vital function in the progress of the society.

The Sri Lanka Library Association has rendered commendable service in improving the library infrastructure in the country. Training librarians, research and publication and other professional activities carried out by the association, laid the necessary foundation for the development of modern libraries in Sri Lanka.

I extend my best wishes for the 50th Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka Library Association and wish them all success in their future activities.

Mahinda Rajapaksa
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
28th June 2010

First Council Meeting of SLLA - 2019/20

First Council Meeting of Sri Lanka Library Association for the year 2019/20 was held on 27th July 2019 at SLLA Auditorium. President  Dr. Nayana Wijayasundara ,Immeediate Past President Mrs. S. Arulanantham , President – Elect Dr. Ruwan Gamage, General Secretary Mrs. Lilamani Amerasekera and the other council members joined lightning the traditional oil lamp and officially inaugurating the meeting.

New Council Members | Photos of the event 

SLLA Membership Drive

SLLA Membership Drive

The Sri Lanka Library Association (SLLA) needs you! We have initiated a new membership drive to attract new members and reconvene past members who have not renewed their membership recently. Also, enjoy a host of benefits by becoming a Chartered Librarian – the Corporate Membership category of SLLA.

  • If you are a holder of a qualification in Library and Information Science (LIS) from a recognized institution (Diploma/Higher Diploma/Degree or Postgraduate Qualification), please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your details.
  • If you are already a member, but has not renewed your membership in one or more years, you can get a 50% discount for all past arrears.
  • Check the amount you should pay by entering the membership number here.
  • A list of members with arrears with their membership numbers can be found here.
  • If you are a current non-corporate member (and renewed your membership for 2021), you may apply for the Corporate Membership (Associate Member – Chartered Librarian) if you have fulfilled other requirements. Look for details here.
  • Finally, if you are ready to get the Life membership, you don’t have to worry about forgetting to register each year. Get the details here.

The SLLA Golden Jubilee Colombo Regional Seminar will be held on the 28th August 2010 at the auditorium of the Industrial Technology Institute, Colombo 07. The SLLA (then Ceylon Library Association - CLA) was formed on 28th August 1960 at the same venue (then CISIR auditorium) and the seminar will mark the 50th birth anniversary of the association.

H.E. the Ambassador for United States for Sri Lanka Ms Patricia Butenis will grace the occasion as the Chief Guest of the inauguration ceremony which commences at 9.00 a.m. She will deliver the keynote address titled 'Empowering People through Access to Information.

Distinguished founder members of SLLA Ms Ishwari Corea, Ms Vijitha De Silva and the President Sri Lanka Book Publishers Association, Mr Ariyadasa Weeraman will be the Guests of Honour.

At the technical session, senior LIS professionals - Ms Kamalika Pieris and Prof. Russell Bowden - will make presentations on the shape and role of the SLLA in the coming decade. The programme is co-sponsored by the Industrial Technology Institute, Sri Lanka.

Make Your Membership Payments...

Members are requested to make their membership payments to SLLA by any one of the following options. 

Membership fees
Non- Corporate membership - LKR 1000
Corporate membership - LKR 1250
Fellow Membership - LKR 2000

To make your payments please follow the options 

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SLLA Newsletter Vol 41 2 Oct Dec 2024







Contact Us
Sri Lanka Library Association

Organization of Professional Associations (OPA),
275/75, Stanley Wijesundara Mawatha,
Colombo 07,Sri Lanka.
Tel/Fax: +94-11-2589103
Email: info@slla.lk  |  map

Office Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday | 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM

Council Members
President         : Dr. Preethi Liyanage
Gen.Secretary : Ms. Nadeeka Rathnabahu
Edu. Officer     : Dr. Kumari Gamage (edu@slla.lk / education.slla@gmail.com)

Web Related Contact
Web Coordinator: Mr. C.N.D. Punchihewa

Copyright © 2021 | Sri Lanka Library Association. All rights reserved.
Designed & Maintained by M N Ravikumar